Let The B
lack M
an Sing Praises
Let the Black man sing praises.
Let him lift his voice unencumbered with the weight of the world
Let him give glory to God
Let him be free.
Remove his burdens, oh brother
Was yours not removed for you?
Lift your yoke
Your arms choke his life and your knee refuses him to breathe
Lend your N E C K
Let your necks swing like bruised reeds
Wafting in the blow of humility
Move your hands,
Let your worship be without wait
Move your feet!
That your worship would be without weight
Render freedom in deed and song.
With leisure, neither comes lightly burdened
Both bogged down at the throne
Singing “shall he be like me?”
The other “will I taste and see?”
Drink deep oh man,
See your dust
Give up your war.
Eat freely brethren
Heaven's gates are yours